Sow the Seeds of Emotional Health

​​​​​​Your Emotions Serve to Ensure Your Survival

“Thoughts are the language of the mind; feelings are the language of the body.”
 -Joe Dispenza

All your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviors are there to serve or help you on some level. They prompt you to act and make important decisions with the positive intent of insuring your survival. You will see how reconciling with this fact will help you have a happier, healthier, and more successful life.


  • Emotions are there to serve and help you on some level, ensuring your survival.

  • Hypnosis provides a safe and effective way to reconcile with disempowering emotions and feelings.

  • Hypnosis is the best way to reprogram your subconscious mind and change the way you think about and process fear-inducing objects or situations.

  • Hypnosis will help address the underlying emotional and psychological reasons for fears and phobias.

  • Overcome fear-based emotions such as anger, shame, resentment, or feelings of inadequacy through hypnosis.

  • Hypnosis allows you to regain control of your life by overcoming fears and phobias.

  • Discover the positive intent behind your emotions and use hypnosis to create a happier, healthier, and more successful life.

Flip the Script: Fear to Faith

Anxiety & Stress Management

Hypnosis Offers an Affective Approach to Managing Stress & Anxiety

  • During a hypnosis session, a trained practitioner induces deep relaxation, allowing access to the subconscious.
  • By reprogramming your mindset, hypnosis helps to alter perceptions and reduce anxiety-related thoughts & feelings.
  • Hypnosis provides tools to release stress, anxiety, and develop alternative coping mechanisms.
  • Hypnosis can help change the way you think and respond to anxiety-inducing situations.
  • It promotes a sense of calm, relaxation, and overall well-being.
  • Hypnosis is a natural, medication-free method for managing anxiety.
  • It can be used as a complementary approach alongside other anxiety methods.
  • With the help of a trained practitioner,    hypnosis can help you regain control over your 
    anxiety and live a more fulfilling life.

The Role of Your Emotions

EMOTIONS can be defined as positive or negative experiences that are associated with a particular pattern of physiological activity. They produce different physiological, behavioral, and cognitive changes. The original role of emotions was to motivate adaptive behaviors that, in the past, would have contributed to the survival of humans. Emotions are responses to significant internal and external events.

Plato said, “Human behavior flows from desire, emotion, and knowledge.” Emotions and feelings play powerful roles in how you experience and interact with the world because they are the driving force behind all actions and behaviors. Emotions originally played a role in helping to ensure survival of our species by producing quick reactions to threat.

Emotional responses occur in the subcortical regions of the brain, the amygdala, which is controlled by the subconscious. Because the main goal of your subconscious is survival, emotions serve a vital role. Sadness, for instance, is an emotion that serves as a reminder to you that something or someone matters or is important to you. It gives your life meaning. 

All your emotions act as messengers. For instance, anxiety is there because you perceive there may be danger ahead. It is a protective emotion. However, there may be no real need for protection. Your subconscious may be perceiving there are tigers coming at you, when they are only pussycats. Your subconscious mind is programmed to look for danger, real or perceived. What one needs to do is address the issue(s) on the subconscious level.

 Hypnosis can also help you to change the way you think about the object or situation that you fear. For example, you may be given suggestions that spiders are harmless or that public speaking is enjoyable. This can help to change the way you perceive the situation and reduce your fear. In addition, hypnosis can also help you to address the underlying emotional and psychological reasons for your fear or phobia. For example, if you have a fear of public speaking, hypnosis can help you to overcome the underlying anxiety or insecurity that is causing the fear. All your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviors are there to serve or help you on some level. They prompt you to act and make important decisions with the positive intent of insuring your survival. You will see how reconciling with this fact will help you have a happier, healthier, and more successful life.
In conclusion, hypnosis is a powerful tool for overcoming fears.  It can help you to address the underlying emotional and psychological causes of your fears and phobias, and to change the way you think about the object or situation that you fear. With the help of a trained practitioner, you can overcome your fears and phobias and regain control of your life.